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“I have had many opportunities to use the language of the virtues… in every instance, making a virtues acknowledgement turned a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and increased cooperation…” Katherine S. Duyer, workshop participant

Inspiring Excellence: Authentic Leadership

Successful leaders inspire and empower others to succeed. And people watch what they do, more than what they say. Trusted leaders are the first to demonstrate integrity in the way they speak, act, and treat their colleagues and their clients.

Every mission statement contains a promise of virtues such as honesty, service, and excellence. A virtues-based organization brings that promise to life and sustains it with unity and trust. They have a triple bottom line, including profit, people and planet.

Many of today's graduates are keenly idealistic. It isn't enough for them to make a living -- they want to make a difference. Organizations that offer social responsibility, transparency, and a joyful, unified work environment are the ones that can attract and keep them.

Discover strategies to integrate character into corporate culture, and tap our natural desire to do well by doing good.

“Your commitment, passion and vision inspired me to incorporate the strategies into my interactions with family, friends and colleagues… In every instance, making a virtues acknowledgement turned a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and increased cooperation and understanding.” -- Kathy D., attorney at law

Next Workshop:
Rediscover Your Balance and Harmony: Experience a Pace of Grace >>





©2009 Gifts of Character